The 31st International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems (AUTOMATA) will take place between June 30 and July 2, 2025 at the Université de Lille in France. It will be followed by the Workshop on Automata Networks (WAN) that will take place between July 2 and July 4, 2025.
This conference aims to:
- Establish and maintain a permanent, international, multidisciplinary forum for the collaboration of researchers in the field of Cellular Automata (CA) and Discrete Complex Systems (DCS).
- Provide a platform for presenting and discussing new ideas and results.
- Support the development of theory and applications of CA and DCS (e.g. parallel computing, physics, biology, social sciences, and others) as long as fundamental aspects and their relations are concerned.
- Identify and study within an inter- and multidisciplinary context, the important fundamental aspects, concepts, notions and problems concerning CA and DCS.
The AUTOMATA series is the official annual event of IFIP WG 1.5, the Working Group 5 (on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems), of the Technical Committee 1 (on Foundations of Computer Science), of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).
Important Dates
Full Papers
- Submission deadline: 1 April
- Notification to authors: 1 May
- Camera-ready papers: 15 May
Exploratory Papers (and extended abstracts)
- Submission deadline: 15 May
- Notification to authors: 25 May
- Camera-ready papers: 30 May