AUTOMATA - Call for Papers


Papers presenting original and unpublished research on all fundamental aspects of cellular automata (CA), and related discrete complex systems (DCS), such as automata networks and sandpile models, are sought.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Dynamic, topological, ergodic, algebraic and combinatorial aspects
  • Algorithmic, computability and complexity issues
  • Information-theoretic aspects
  • Emergent properties
  • Formal languages
  • Symbolic dynamics and connections to continuous systems
  • Tilings, rewriting and substitution systems
  • Computability theory
  • Models of parallelism and distributed systems
  • Asynchronous versus synchronous models
  • CA in machine and deep learning

Important Dates

Full Papers

  • Submission deadline: 1 April
  • Notification to authors: 1 May
  • Camera-ready papers: 15 May

Exploratory Papers (and extended abstracts)

  • Submission deadline: 15 May
  • Notification to authors: 25 May
  • Camera-ready papers: 30 May


Submission Guidelines

There are three categories of submission: full papers, exploratory papers and extended abstracts. Full papers are meant to report more complete and denser research, while exploratory papers allows quick reporting of recent discoveries, work-in-progress or partial results. Submissions in the full paper category are refereed and selected by the program committee. Exploratory papers go through a lighter evaluation process. All accepted papers must be presented at the conference.

Submissions should contain original research that has not previously been published. Concurrent submissions to other conferences/journals are not allowed. Supplementary material that exceeds the below mentioned page limits may be included as an appendix and will be considered at the committee’s discretion (note that appendices will not be published in the proceedings).

Extended abstracts allows the presentation of topics that are intended to be interesting for the CA and DCS community. They may contain content that has already been published or new ideas that can be presented but are not fully matured.

Authors are invited to submit papers of no more than 16 pages for full papers, 8 pages for exploratory papers and 4 pages for extended abstracts. Submission must be formatted in LaTeX using the LNCS format and submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF).

All papers are to be submitted via the EasyChair system.

Proceedings and Journal Special Issue

Accepted full papers will appear in the proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS Series. Exploratory papers and extended abstracts will not be included in the LNCS proceedings, but will be published as local proceedings and uploaded on an open access repository.

A special issue of an international journal will be proposed for the publication of extended versions of some selected papers.